{% for tag in tags %} {%ifforloop.first %} {% comment %} This is the first tag in the set! {% endif %} {% endif %}{% endfor %}
Used within a for/endfor block, the continue tag instructs Liquid to skip the rest of the code in the current pass, and begin again with the next value in the array (if any).
{% for fulfillment inorder.fulfillments %} {%iffulfillment.status =="cancelled"%} {% comment %} Skip this fulfillment, and process the next one (if any). {% endcomment %} {%continue%} {% endif %} {% assign tag_to_add ="not cancelled"%}{% endfor %}
Used within a for/endfor block, the break tag instructs Liquid to skip the rest of the code in the current pass, and to stop processing the array completely.
{% assign order_includes_compare_at_pricing =false%}{% for line_item inorder.line_items %} {%ifline_item.variant.compare_at_price != blank %} {% assign order_includes_compare_at_pricing =true%} {% comment %} Only need to detect this once, so we can now break out of the loop. {% endcomment %} {%break%} {% endif %}{% endfor %}