Appstle Subscriptions

What is Appstle Subscriptions?

Recurring orders, comprehensive subscription management tools, loyalty benefits, 1-click checkout, churn control, build-a-box, and more.

Learn more on the Appstle Subscriptions Shopify App Store listing.

What does this integration do?

You can trigger your Mechanic tasks and take action when events happen in Appstle Subscriptions.

Connecting Appstle Subscriptions to Mechanic

Enable the Mechanic integration under App integrations in the Appstle Subscriptions app:

Appstle Subscriptions → Mechanic

After enabling the integration in the Appstle Subscriptions app, your events will be sent to Mechanic, and any tasks that subscribe to these event topics will receive the events:

Event topics

  • appstle_subscriptions/subscriptions/create Occurs when a subscription is created.

  • appstle_subscriptions/subscriptions/activate Occurs when a subscription is activated.

  • appstle_subscriptions/subscriptions/cancel Occurs when a subscription is cancelled.

  • appstle_subscriptions/subscriptions/next_order_date_change Occurs when the next order data of a subscription is changed.

  • appstle_subscriptions/subscriptions/pause Occurs when a subscription is paused.

  • appstle_subscriptions/subscriptions/update Occurs when a subscription is updated.

  • appstle_subscriptions/billings/create Occurs when billing for a subscription is created.

  • appstle_subscriptions/billings/failure Occurs when billing for a subscription fails.

  • appstle_subscriptions/billings/interval_change Occurs when billing for a subscription changes.

Sample event payload

  "shop": "",
  "type": "subscription.created",
  "data": {
    "__typename": "SubscriptionContract",
    "id": "gid://shopify/SubscriptionContract/3344444",
    "createdAt": "2023-07-11T12:21:23Z",
    "updatedAt": "2023-07-11T12:21:23Z",
    "nextBillingDate": "2023-09-11T12:00:00Z",
    "status": "ACTIVE",
    "deliveryPrice": {
      "__typename": "MoneyV2",
      "amount": "0.0",
      "currencyCode": "USD"
    "lastPaymentStatus": null,
    "billingPolicy": {
      "__typename": "SubscriptionBillingPolicy",
      "interval": "MONTH",
      "intervalCount": 2,
      "anchors": [
      "maxCycles": null,
      "minCycles": null
    "deliveryPolicy": {
      "__typename": "SubscriptionDeliveryPolicy",
      "interval": "MONTH",
      "intervalCount": 2,
      "anchors": [
    "lines": {
      "__typename": "SubscriptionLineConnection",
      "edges": [
          "__typename": "SubscriptionLineEdge",
          "node": {
            "__typename": "SubscriptionLine",
            "id": "gid://shopify/SubscriptionLine/6b67e8d4-bafb-4ea8-98ff",
            "sellingPlanId": "gid://shopify/SellingPlan/222222",
            "sellingPlanName": "Test pay as you go",
            "productId": "gid://shopify/Product/2222",
            "sku": "",
            "title": "Bethesda iPad Sleeve",
            "variantId": "gid://shopify/ProductVariant/2222",
            "quantity": 1,
            "customAttributes": [
            "lineDiscountedPrice": {
              "__typename": "MoneyV2",
              "amount": "100.0",
              "currencyCode": "USD"
            "variantImage": {
              "__typename": "Image",
              "transformedSrc": ""
            "variantTitle": "Black",
            "currentPrice": {
              "__typename": "MoneyV2",
              "amount": "100.0",
              "currencyCode": "USD"
            "discountAllocations": [
            "pricingPolicy": null,
            "taxable": true
    "customerPaymentMethod": {
      "__typename": "CustomerPaymentMethod",
      "id": "gid://shopify/CustomerPaymentMethod/2222",
      "instrument": {
        "__typename": "CustomerCreditCard",
        "billingAddress": {
          "__typename": "CustomerCreditCardBillingAddress",
          "address1": "321 Line Avenue",
          "city": "Shreveport",
          "country": "United States",
          "countryCode": "US",
          "province": "California",
          "provinceCode": "CA",
          "zip": "94087"
        "brand": "visa",
        "expiresSoon": false,
        "expiryMonth": 3,
        "expiryYear": 2030,
        "firstDigits": "424242",
        "lastDigits": "4242",
        "maskedNumber": "â€ĸâ€ĸâ€ĸâ€ĸ â€ĸâ€ĸâ€ĸâ€ĸ â€ĸâ€ĸâ€ĸâ€ĸ 4242",
        "name": "Test Testy",
        "revocable": false
      "revokedAt": null,
      "revokedReason": null
    "deliveryMethod": {
      "__typename": "SubscriptionDeliveryMethodShipping",
      "address": {
        "__typename": "SubscriptionMailingAddress",
        "address1": "321 Line Avenue",
        "address2": null,
        "city": "Shreveport",
        "company": null,
        "country": "United States",
        "countryCode": "US",
        "firstName": "Test",
        "lastName": "Testy",
        "name": "Test Testy",
        "phone": null,
        "province": "California",
        "provinceCode": "CA",
        "zip": "12345"
      "shippingOption": {
        "__typename": "SubscriptionDeliveryMethodShippingOption",
        "title": "Economy",
        "presentmentTitle": "Economy",
        "description": null,
        "code": "Economy"
    "originOrder": {
      "__typename": "Order",
      "id": "gid://shopify/Order/122344",
      "name": "#1010",
      "fulfillmentOrders": {
        "__typename": "FulfillmentOrderConnection",
        "edges": [
            "__typename": "FulfillmentOrderEdge",
            "node": {
              "__typename": "FulfillmentOrder",
              "fulfillAt": "2023-07-11T12:00:00Z",
              "id": "gid://shopify/FulfillmentOrder/12233",
              "status": "OPEN"
    "customer": {
      "__typename": "Customer",
      "id": "gid://shopify/Customer/12233",
      "email": "",
      "displayName": "Test Testy",
      "firstName": "Test",
      "lastName": "Testy",
      "phone": null
    "discounts": {
      "__typename": "SubscriptionManualDiscountConnection",
      "edges": [
    "note": null,
    "customAttributes": [

Last updated