API versions
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The Shopify API supports versioning for their REST and GraphQL admin APIs. (Learn more: shopify.dev/api/usage/versioning.)
Each Mechanic task has an individually-configured Shopify API version, defaulting to the latest stable version at the time of the task's creation. A task's version will apply to all Shopify API calls generated by its task code, in addition to all calls performed by that task's actions.
Each stable Shopify version is supported for one year. 30 days before a version ends support, tasks on that version will be silently upgraded to the next stable version. As a consequence, versions that are unsupported (or are within 30 days of no longer being supported) are not available in Mechanic.
Every quarter, Shopify releases a new version of the Admin API, and simultaneously removes the oldest version of the admin API. (Subsequent calls to removed APIs will be responded to by the oldest still-supported version.)
As Shopify prepares to pull support for specific API calls, deprecations are announced, and are communicated in API responses.
Learn more about Shopify's deprecation practices
Deprecations are ignored for the latest stable version of the Shopify API, i.e. the version most recently released. Tasks whose runtime settings are configured for the latest stable version will not be flagged for deprecations, even if they use deprecated Shopify API features.
If support for a task's Shopify API version will be pulled soon, its deprecations will be shown above the main task list.
Deprecation details are available in the advanced task editor, in the Runtime tab.
Deprecation warnings can be dismissed by doing one of the following:
Selecting a new Shopify API version for the task
Updating the task script
Disabling the task
Deleting the task