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Comment tag

Prevents an expression from being rendered or output.

Any text inside comment tags won't be output, and any Liquid code will be parsed, but not executed.

{% comment %} This is a comment in Liquid {% endcomment %}
{% comment %} 
  This is a comment in Liquid 
{% endcomment %}

Inline comments

Inline comments prevent an expression inside of a tag {% %} from being rendered or output.

You can use inline comment tags to annotate your code, or to temporarily prevent logic in your code from executing.

You can create multi-line inline comments. However, each line in the tag must begin with a #, or a syntax error will occur.

{% # this is a comment %}

{% # for i in (1..3) -%}
  {{ i }}
{% # endfor %}

  # This is a comment
  # across multiple lines

Inline comments inside liquid tags

You can use inline comment tags inside liquid tags. The tag must be used for each line that you want to comment.

{% liquid
  # this is a comment
  assign topic = 'Learning about comments!'
  echo topic

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